
Mechanical and Electrical Properties

関連: 金属・合金・複合材料・セラミック


Mechanical and Electrical Properties figure 1

For many materials, the truly important information is how they perform and behave under the conditions that they are likely to be exposed to during their use-lifetime. This may be the application of stresses and strains in construction materials, the dielectric properties of ceramics or the corrosion resistance of materials as they are exposed to a variety of atmospheric conditions. Using our Cypher and MFP-3D  atomic force microscopes (AFM) it is possible to measure a huge range of mechanical properties of materials at the nanoscale, from elastic and adhesive forces to materials hardness.

The way a material changes structurally under the application of force is vitally important for construction materials. Our Symmetry electron backscatter detector (EBSD) has market-leading speed and sensitivity allowing the crystalline structure of materials to be characterised quickly. This makes visualisation of the nanoscale structural deformation during in-situ strain and stress testing in the scanning electron microscope a real possibility.

Mechanical and Electrical Properties figure 2
AFM for Polymer Science AFM Tools for Piezoelectrics and Ferroelectrics Research AFM for Nanomechanical Measurements AFM Tools for Nanoscale Electrical Characterisation
