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Corporate Responsibility

Corporate responsibility is integral to our ongoing business success. It reminds us of the need to minimise our impact on the environment, encourages us to pay attention to the needs of our customers, employees and investors, and to build engagement with local communities.

We are committed to the following guiding principles of corporate responsibility:

  • establishing and maintaining long-term, effective stakeholder reltaionships
  • offering our people an excellent employment experience and sense of belonging
  • strengthening our business through diversity and inclusion
  • operating in an ethical, sustainable and environmentally responsible manner

The key areas in which we focus our efforts are:

  • the development, engagement and wellbeing of our employees
  • sustaining and developing an inclusive workplace
  • health and safety, and environmental improvements
  • the ethics of how we do business, including human rights and business malpractice

Just as we approach what we do for our customers and investors with passion, care and pace, this same wholehearted value underpins our work to ensure that we are a responsible business.

We enable our customers to image, analyse and manipulate materials at the nanoscale and our technologies help to underpin the shift to a greener economy, increased connectivity, improved  health and leaps in scientific understanding.

We take our role in the world seriously, and recognise that how we do business is as important as what we do.

Our people vision is to be proud to be recogised as the leaders in what we do and for the difference we make in the world.

Read the full details of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).