06 September 2012
Nanomanipulation Jumps A Generation With The OmniProbe® 400!

An innovative new nanomanipulator with a resolution of 10 atoms is generating interest across a wide spectrum of industries. The OmniProbe 400, Oxford Instruments’ latest tool, is optimised for accuracy and high speed.
Cheryl Hartfield, Business Manager - Omniprobe Products, says, "the many integrated features of the OmniProbe 400 allow the user to manipulate a sample with unparalleled speed and precision."
Specially designed to provide closed-loop motion in 4 degrees of freedom, the OmniProbe 400 has an easy to use in situ tip exchange and rotation capability. For use on both the SEM and FIB, it is the latest in the Omniprobe range of nanomanipulation and gas injector tools that are the leading tools that nano researchers demand.
"Omniprobe joined Oxford Instruments last year and our shared heritage of innovation continues to focus on turning smart science into tools and systems our customers really want"' said Ian Barkshire, Managing Director of Oxford Instruments NanoAnalysis.
More information on the OmniProbe 400 can be found on www.oxford-instruments.com/omniprobe400 or visit our booth #410 at EMC 16-19 September in Manchester, UK.